Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology

Editorial Board Member - JMSN

Peter Majewski

School of Engineering
University of South Australia

Peter Majewski joined UniSA in January 2003 as Bioinnovation SA Professorial Fellow at the Ian Wark Research Institute before he moved on to the professor position on Nanotechnology and Nanomanufacturing in the School of Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, Mawson Institute, in January 2008. He is mineralogist by training and has focused his research work mainly on nanomaterials synthesis and processing as well as nanomanufacturing. Born in Germany, he studied geology at University of Hannover, Germany, and received Diploma (4-year course) in 1985. He immediately started his PhD work on cation diffusion in silicates at the University of Hannover. In 1988, he received PhD in Mineralogy at the University of Hannover. In 1989, he joined the Max-Planck-Institute for Metals Research (MPI-MF), Department of Materials Synthesis and Microstructure Design (Powdermetallurgical Laboratory) as post doctoral fellow. His main research work was part of a long-term initiative of the Max-Planck-Institute along with other university institutes and the companies Hoechst AG, Siemens AG, and Vacuumschmelze on the development of high temperature superconducting cables and devices. In 1992, he received the Heinz Maier Leibnitz award of the Department of Education and Science of the Federal Government of Germany for his fundamental studies on the phase relations and synthesis of novel ceramic superconductors. After several renewals, the program, which was supported by the German government, ended in 2001. At that time, Peter already became senior scientist as well as deputy department head of the Department ‘Materials Synthesis and Microstructure Design’. In addition to that, he already has switched is focus to the Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. In 1998, he has set up an interdisciplinary cooperation between the MPI-MF and the Research Centre Juelich, and the German Centre for Air and Space Travel Stuttgart (DLR) on the synthesis and characterization of novel electrode and electrolyte materials for solid oxide fuel cells, which was funded by the German government. In 2000, he received the International Research Exchange Scheme Award of the Australian Research Council. In the frame of this award, he joined the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Wollongong as an International Professor Fellow, for several months during the years 2001 and 2002. At UniSA, Peter is setting up interdisciplinary research projects in the area of nanotechnology covering fundamental and applied studies in the field of synthesis and engineering of surface functionalized and structured materials for various applications,such as water treatment and energy production,and the development and fabrication of processes and devices for an manufacturing of nanoparticles, nanomaterials, and nanostructured materials. In 2010, Peter received the Distinguished Scholar Award of UniSA's Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment (ITEE). Peter has published more than 120 papers on various topics in materials science and engineering and nanotechnology and is member of Materials Australia.


Materials Science
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Other Editorial Board Members - JMSN

Leslie Glasser

Department of Chemistry
Curtin University

Hong Ma

Associate Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Washington
United States


Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Maryland
United States

Chandra M Valmikinathan

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
United States

Hao Yi

Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chongqing University

Shin-ichi Yusa

Associate Professor
Department of Materials Science and Chemistry
University of Hyogo


Associate Professor of Industrial Chemistry
Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials and Industrial Production
University of Naples Federico II

Luisa Amelia Dempere

Major Analytical Instrumentation Center
United States

Mohamed Khayet

Department of Applied Physics
Complutense University of Madrid

Emil Bulatov

Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Biology Group
Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology
Kazan Federal University
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