Editorial Board Member - JCERC
Yoshiya Toyoda
ProfessorCardiothoracic Surgery
Temple University School of Medicine
United States
Dr. Toyoda spent several years as a researcher at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center where he developed novel techniques for myocardial protection during surgically induced ischemia-reperfusion.After completing his advanced cardiac surgical training at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Toyoda completed a fellowship in cardiopulmonary transplantation and ventricular assist devices at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He joined the Pittsburgh team in 2006 and has headed the section of cardiothoracic transplantation from 2008 to 2011.Dr. Toyoda then became Professor of Surgery, Director of Mechanical Circulatory Support, Surgical Director of Heart and Lung Transplantation, Vice Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery at Temple University in Philadelphia.
Dr. Toyoda’s focus is on all surgical options for patients with end-stage cardiopulmonary failure including coronary bypass surgery and mechanical circulatory support for cardiogenic shock, pulmonary thromboendarterectomy for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for respiratory and circulatory failure, long-term ventricular assist device as destination therapy and bridge-to-transplantation and thoracic transplantation.
Other Editorial Board Members - JCERC
Gordon L Fung
School of Medicine
University of California
United States
M Reza Movahed
Department of Medicine
University of Arizona
Saadeh Suleiman
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
Francisco R Breijo-Marquez
Department of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology
East Boston University
Annapaola Zito
Cardiovascular Diseases Section
University of Bari
Jennifer Goerbig-Campbell
Department of Internal Medicine
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
United States
Frank F. Seghatol
Division of Cardiology
University of Alabama
United States
Jodi L. Tinkel
Cardiovascular Medicine
University of Toledo
United States
Abolfazl Dohaei
Department of Cardiology
Mayo Clinic
United States
Masoor Kamalesh
Cardiology Division
Indiana University
United States