Editorial Board Member - JBB

Junjie Zhang
Department of Biochemistry and BiophysicsTexas A&M Univeristy
United States
Dr. Junjie Zhang received his Ph.D. degree at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston in 2009. Working with Professor Wah Chiu, Dr. Zhang used cryo-electron microscopy to image macromolecules at high resolution. He then moved to Stanford University as a postdoc fellow to work with Professor Michael Levitt, who later received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry of 2014. During his training in Professor Levitt’s lab, Dr. Zhang used computational methods to extend the application of biological electron microscopy.
Structural Biology
Computational Biology
Other Editorial Board Members - JBB

Liqing Yu
Associate Professor
Departments of Animal and Avian Sciences
University of Maryland
United States
Departments of Animal and Avian Sciences
University of Maryland
United States

Hironao Wakabayashi
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
University of Rochester
United States
Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
University of Rochester
United States

Associate Professor
Chair of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry
Yerevan State University
Chair of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry
Yerevan State University

Maria Amália da Silva Jurado
Assistant Professor
Department of Life Sciences
University of Coimbra
Department of Life Sciences
University of Coimbra

Yue Chen
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics,
University of Minnesota
United States
Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics,
University of Minnesota
United States