Editorial Board Member - JMSN

ProfessorDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Maryland
United States
Professor Aris Christou was the Chairman of the University of Maryland, Materials and Nuclear Engineering Department (until July 2003), and is presently Professor of Materials Science and Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Professor Christou was one of the Founding PIs and past Director of the NSF Center on Optoelectronic Components, Devices and Packaging.
Dr. Christou was previously a Professor of Electronic Materials at Rutgers University, and Head of the Surface Physics Branch of the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC. Since 1971 he has carried out basic research in reliability techniques, reliability prediction methods, as well as qualification and prognostic reliability. His Physics of Failure approach has been applied to microwave materials, semiconductor heterostructures, process science, and thin film metallizations. Dr. Christou is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fullbright Fellow, a recipient of four DoD-Berman Publication Awards, DOD Invention Awards and an IEEE Guest Lecturer. Professor Christou was the 2004 recipient of the INEER Achievement Award (International Network for Engineering Education and Research) for achievements in international education and research in engineering, as well as the recipient of the 2007 ASM International Burgess Memorial Award "For his seminal scientific contributions in the field of electronic materials, packaging and devices". Professor Christou is a member of APS, ASM, TMS and MRS and was the past President of the Federation of Materials Societies from 2004-6 and is presently a member of the FMS Board of Trustees.
Biomolecular Sensing
Device Physics and Modeling
Electronic Materials
Flexible Electronics and Flexible Displays
Processing Technology Research
Other Editorial Board Members - JMSN

J. J. Mecholsky
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
University of Florida
United States

Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology
Emory School of Medicine
Emory University
United States

Carlo Monaco
Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences
University of Bologna

Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
The University of Tulsa
United States

Emil Bulatov
Department of Chemical Biology Group
Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology
Kazan Federal University