Editorial Board Member - JNPHC

Muntaha K Gharaibeh RN
Professor of NursingJordan University of Science and Technology
Dr. Muntaha K Gharaibeh RN is a Professor of Nursing at Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan. She received Ph.D. in Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Ulster, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences, UK. She received the award, Princes Muna Award for Excellence in Leadership, 2012. She holds a membership in different committees. She has invited speaker at various international conferences. She serves as editor and reviewer for renowned international journals. She published a number of articles on her name.
Dr. Muntaha K Gharaibeh RN interests are in Research & Development and Quality Assurance
Research: Qualitative & Quantitative Research in the areas of- Maternal and Child Health, Women’s Health/RH-FP, Gender Issues and Family issues
- Strategizing for Health and Health Reform
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Health systems and Programs
- Issues in Higher Education: Accreditation and Quality Assurance and Educational Standards
- Social, Health and Economic Policies: Analysis, Development, and Evaluation
Other Editorial Board Members - JNPHC

Huda Faleh Gharaibeh
Maternal Child Health Department
Faculty of Nursing
Jordan University of Science and Technology

Ashraf Eljedi
Faculty of NUrsing
The Islamic University of Gaza

Julide Gulizar Yildirim
Faculty of Health Sciences
Public Health Nursing Department
Izmir Katip Celebi University

Zaid Mohammad Issa Al-Hamdan
Faculty of Nursing, Jordan University of Science and Technology

Mandie Jane Foster
Edith Cowan University
School of Nursing and Midwifery

Filiz Ozel
Department of Internal Diseases Nursing
Kastamonu University Faculty of Health Science