Journal of Dentistry and Oral Care Medicine

ISSN: 2454-3276

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Effect of Operator-Related Factors on Failure Rate of Orthodontic Mini-Implants (OMIS) used as Temporary Anchorage Devices (TAD); Systematic Review

Received Date: July 07, 2018 Accepted Date: September 25, 2018 Published Date: September 27, 2018

Copyright: © 2018 Mohamed AM. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Aim: This review aimed to determine the operator-related variables that may influence the clinical performance and failure rate of orthodontic mini-implants (OMIs) used as anchorage devices.

Materials and Methods: A search was performed through electronic databases; PubMed, EMBASE searched via ScienceDirect and Cochrane Library. Reference lists were limited to English papers ranging from 2012 to 2018. Eligibility criteria were defined by considering the (PICOS) question patients who received OMIs for orthodontic anchorage. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were performed independently by two authors.

Results: A lot of factors have been proven to affect the success rate of the OMIs, whereas root-proximity and secondary insertion of the mini-implant revealed to be the most significant factors for OMIs failure.

Conclusions and Recommendations: The OMIs should be placed as far as possible from the root, and secondary insertions of failed primary implants should also be avoided.

Keywords: Mini-Implants; Temporary Anchorage Device; OMIs; TAD; Orthodontic Anchorage


To achieve the best successful results in orthodontic treatment, anchorage control should be thoroughly managed. The most recent way to gaining this goal is by using mini-implants which have been accepted all over the world [1-5].

Mini-implants are the smallest temporary anchorage devices (TAD) that can be used in different sites of the oral cavity, and in areas that are not reachable by any other types of orthodontic anchorage appliances [6, 7]. Such devices are also accepted by most of the patients [8,9].

A lot of research has been conducted to test the success rate of orthodontic mini-implants (OMIs), showing an average success rate of approximately 84% [10,11]. Further research (meta-analysis) reported an overall failure rate of 13.5% for orthodontic mini-implants [12].

The failure rate of orthodontic mini-implants proved to be affected by lots of variables which including: Patient-related factors comprising: oral hygiene measures, smoking, cortical bone thickness, as well as age of the patient [13-16].

Operator-related factors (technical factors) comprising : root proximity, insertion torque, insertion angle, besides amount of orthodontic load [OMIs are stable within forces of 50 g (0.5 N) to 450 g (4.5 N)], direction of load, time of loading (Immediate vs delayed), primary or secondary (re) insertion as well as placement site [12,13,16-22,26-34].

Mini-implant - related factors comprising: screw-diameter, screw length, implant material and insertion method [13,15,35-40]. In general, a success rate of OMIs greater than 80% should encourage the operator to use it. Scanning of the latest systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses, the technical operator-related factors revealed to have the main impact on OMIs success [10,12,41,42].

This review will try to extend and focus on the parameters related to operator related variables, that could influence the failure rate of orthodontic mini-implants (OMIs).

Materials and Methods
Eligibility (Inclusion and Exclusion) Criteria

The selection criteria for this review were defined by considering the PICOS question as following:

1- Population (P): Patients of both sexes, without restriction on age, ethnic, or socioeconomic groups were included. Their orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances required skeletal anchorage.
2- Intervention (I): Intervention comprised the placement of orthodontic MIs for skeletal anchorage.
3- Comparison (C): OMIs insertion angle, amount of orthodontic load,direction of load and placement site were compared.
4- Outcome (O): Mini-implant fracture, patient pain or discomfort and loss of mini-implant stability considered as failure. These outcomes are evaluated twice, primary and secondary: -

• Primary outcome: evaluating all described signs before OMIs functions finishing. Measured immediately after implant insertion.
• Secondary outcome: evaluating all described signs after OMIs functions finishing Measured after the healing phase. 5- Study design (S): (Table 1).

Search strategy for identification of studiesMaterials

Databases: With filtering of the last 5 years researches, only English papers were selected, because studies of languages other than English (LOE) mainly tend to be of lower quality than studies written in English. Moreover, few of these studies could have the criteria for inclusion into the review, but are still not representative of all the LOE studies [43,44]. Hence, the studies were limited to English language only.

Our search was started at 2018-1-14. The Electronic databases and search strategies are shown in Appendix 1.

All papers were collected in Reference manager (EndNote X7), and managed as following:

All titles and summaries of collected publications were reviewed in order to exclude inadequate articles. Full versions of remaining, possibly appropriate articles were reviewed. Full texts of articles’, which eligibility could not be evaluated by reviewing their summaries, were read in order to avoid incorrect exclusions. The process of articles’ selection is presented in the PRISMA flow diagram (Figure 1).

Data extraction and management

Two authors independently extracted study characteristics and outcomes from the included studies. Miniscrew implant failure counts were extracted as a binary outcome and converted to failure event rates. The primary outcome was the overall miniscrew implant failure rate, and associated factors were the secondary outcomes. Risk factors were assessed by comparing two or more event rates provided by a study.

Assessment of risk of bias of the studies

Two authors assessed independently the risk of bias of the included studies using the Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias by means of RevMan (version 5.2) as guided by the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions [45]. The following domains were considered: (1) adequate sequence generation, (2) allocation concealment, (3) blinding of participants and personnel, (4) incomplete outcome data, (5) selective outcome reporting, and (6) other sources of bias. For all included studies, the risk of bias for each domain was judged as low risk, high risk, or unclear risk. Each randomized controlled trial was assigned an overall risk of bias in terms of low risk (low for all key domains), high risk (high for ≥1 key domain), and unclear risk (unclear for ≥1 key domain).


357 articles were collected after primary electronic database search. The search results are shown in the PRISMA flow diagram. 32 duplicated items were found, and the remaining 323 articles analyzed their titles and abstracts in detail. The articles which had not confirmed the inclusion requirements were rejected and 56 articles full texts were downloaded and read. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 16 articles were kept, complete list of included studies shown at Table 2. The excluded 39 papers after full text screening were mentioned in Appendix 2


• All included studies were evaluated for the quality based on modified Feldmann and Bondmark suggested method under five criteria: 1) sample size, 2) research method, 3) research object description, 4) research technique and 5) study design. After qualitatively evaluating all articles, they were divided into two categories: of high (8-10 points) (3-9,11, 34-36) and medium (6-7 points) (10, 12) quality (Table 3) [46].
• 4418 OMIs of 12 different manufacturers (Chopra et al. 2015) and 4 different types of materials (Titanium, titanium alloy, Titanium-vanadium alloy and stainless steel) which had been threaded in 1709 patients’ upper and lower jaws at different areas, were analyzed.
• The samples of analyzed OMIs were not less than 28 OMIs (Albogha et al. 2016) and not exceeding 1375 OMIs (Melo et al. 2016). The number of 10-570 patients were included in the search. The analyzed OMIs were used for anchorage of the dentition for at least 3.5 months. The success rate of MI was assessed in the analyzed articles.
• Diameter of OMIs ranged from 1.2-2.3 mm and their length ranged from 6-12 mm (Table 2).
• The technical operator-related factors affecting the success rate of OMIs included; selected placement site (including root proximity), insertion torque, insertion angle, amount of orthodontic load, direction of load, time of loading (Immediate vs delayed) and primary or secondary (re) insertion. The included studies focused on: insertion site (including root proximity), insertion angle (most of included studies focused on vertical angle), amount, direction, as well as onset of loading.
• Uesugi et al. 2017 described the effect of secondary insertion of OMIs on the success rate of OMIs, being about 44.2% for all re-inserted types.
• OMIs were inserted in different areas, but most of the studies placed them between the 2nd premolar and 1st molar (especially in the Maxilla). These inserts were used for different purposes but most of authors used it for retraction of the anterior segment.
• The applied load used in all included studies, and it ranged from 50-300 gm, while a few papers did not even describe the amount of load applied (Table 2).
• The OMI stability/success/failure affecting factors were analyzed in all articles, however, authors had given different definitions of a “successful” MI (Table 2). A successful MI is that implant which performs its’ function as a skeletal anchorage device for a certain period of time (6-12 months), or during the entire orthodontic treatment period without any notable mobility, surrounding soft tissue inflammation or any other pathologies.
• Root proximity has been found to be the most significant factor for OMIs failure, and therefore at least 1mm clearance should exist between root and OMIs. Janson et al. 2013 declared that: OMIs root proximity didn’t influence the success rate as long as there was no periodontal ligament invasion. Albogha et al. 2016 stated that if OMIs is slightly apically inclined, reducing the vertical angulation, the OMI will be away from the roots. He also declared that with a small interradicular width, the OMI

should be placed closer to the root opposing the force direction that will be applied later. Garg et al. 2015 supported the evidence of Albogha et al. 2016 by proving that the OMIs do not remain absolutely stationary like the end-osseous implant throughout orthodontic loading. Therefore, it is mandatory that in case of small interradicular, the OMI should be placed closer to the root opposite to the future force direction.
• Almost all studies found that the onset of OMIs loading, either immediate or delayed, affects the success rate of OMIs insignificantly, or even having no effect at all. In 2015, Jeong et al. recommended the delay of load application, as he found that the immediate loading increased the risk of failure.
• OMIs vertical angulation was measured by different ways in different articles, but not all articles measured the angulation of the mini-implant (Table 2). Some authors measured the angulation of mini-implants to root and others measured it from mini-implant surface to alveolar bone and finally, others measured it to the occlusal plane. The mini-implant angulation ranged from 40-90° with an exception of Jing et al. 2016, who started his measurement from 10°-90°. In 2013, Jung et al., and Park et al. 2018 declared that cortical bone thickness increased with decreased vertical placement angle, and the success rate increased as the cortical bone thickness increased. Although this association was not statistically significant. All authors consider the OMIs angulation change not a statistically significant.
• The success rate of OMIs used during orthodontic treatment in all included studies ranged from 79.2% to 97%, though the success rate was not presented in some articles.
• The authors in several included studies described many operator-related factors affecting success rate of OMIs. However, the statistically significant factors that affect OMIs success rate were: root proximity as well as secondary insertion of pre-failed OMI.


• Many operator-related factors can affect the success rate of orthodontic mini-implants OMIS, and it should be taken into consideration before placement of the implant.
• The operator should give extra welling to the root proximity and should prevent any secondary insertion of pre-failed OMIs.


• Place the OMIs as far away as possible from the root, and if the space between roots are thin, make the OMI away from the root of force application.
• Avoid secondary insertions of pre-failed OMI.

1 Umemori M, Sugawara J, Mitani H, Nagasaka H, Kawamura H (1999) keletal anchorage system for open-bite correction. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 115: 166-74.
27 Holberg C, Winterhalder P, Holberg N, Rudzki-Janson I, Wichelhaus A (2013) Direct versus indirect loading of orthodontic miniscrew implants-an FEM analysis. Clin Oral Investig 17: 1821-7.
28 Antoszewska J, Papadopoulos MA, Park HS, Ludwig B (2009) Editor’s Summary and Q&A. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 136: 158-9.
45 Higgins JPT, Green S (2011) Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions Version 5.1.0 [updated March 2011] [Internet]. The Cochrane Collaboration; 2011. Available from:
54 Melo AC, Andrighetto AR, Hirt SD, Bongiolo ALM, Silva SU, Silva MAD da (2016) Risk factors associated with the failure of miniscrews - A ten-year cross sectional study. Braz Oral 30: e124.
58 Uribe F, Mehr R, Mathur A, Janakiraman N, Allareddy V (2015) Failure rates of mini-implants placed in the infrazygomatic region. Prog Orthod 16: 31.
59 Yi Lin S, Mimi Y, Ming Tak C, Kelvin Weng Chiong F, Hung Chew W (2015) A Study of Success Rate of Miniscrew Implants as Temporary Anchorage Devices in Singapore. Int J Dent 2015: 1-10.
66 Holberg C, Winterhalder P, Holberg N, Rudzki-Janson I, Wichelhaus A (2013) Direct versus indirect loading of orthodontic miniscrew implants-an FEM analysis. Clin Oral Investig 17: 1821-7.
70 Risks and complications of miniscrew anchorage in clinical orthodontics. Jpn Dent Sci Rev 50: 79-85. Risks and complications of miniscrew anchorage in clinical orthodontics. Jpn Dent Sci Rev 50: 79-85.
96 Implants for Orthodontic Anchorage: Success Rates and Reasons of Failures. Implant Dent 23: 155-61.

Journal of Dentistry and Oral Care Medicine

Tables at a glance
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Figures at a glance
Figure 1
Figure 1: PRISMA Flow Diagram
Included articles:

Excluded articles:

a. Randomized Controlled trails (RCTs).
b. Non-randomized clinical studies.
c. Prospective and retrospective.

a. Single case reports
b. Literature review.
c. Systematic reviews or meta-analysis

Table 1: Study design followed in this study

Author, year and location

(n) Male/Female(n)Age (years)

OMIs No. and material

Diameter and length

Insertion area

Load (N)
(Amount, Direction, Onset

Success(S) / failure(f)

Mean period of application

Implant angulation

Failure type

Albogha et al.  (2016) South Korea [47]

16   0m/16f        13.5-35.5y

28  DualTopTM titanium DualTopTM titanium
mini-implants (Jeil Medical Corporation, Seoul, Korea)

(6 mmlength, 1.4 mm diameter

Maxilla buccal alveolar bone between 5 and 6

2 N spring mesial load. Unknown onset



Mean = 79.9o

Chopra et al. (2015)  India [30]

15      6m/9f     mean=15y

30  titanium unknown companies

 1.3mm diameter and 8mm length

Maxilla buccal alveolar bone between 5 and 6

150 g elastic chain. Immediate loading


14 mth


Mobility or discomfort

Garg et al. (2015)  India [48]

10     3m/7f  15-23y

40    (Dentos Inc., South Korea)

1.3 mm diameter and 7 mm length

Maxilla and Mandibular buccal alveolar bone between 5 and 7

150 g maxilla    100 g mandible coil spring. Immediate loading




Giuliano Maino et al. (2012) Italy [49]

144 (51 m/ 93 f 
 24.6 y (SD, ± 14.1 years)

324  titanium alloy (Spider Screw HDC,
Sarcedo, Vicenza, Italy

1.5-2mm   diameter,  7-11mm length

Maxilla ( tuberosity, edentulous zones and interdental septa)

Immediate with 150g then 300g after 3 months. Immediate loading

296/28    91.4/8.6 %

13.7 mth


Hourfar et al. (2017) Germany [50]

239  ( 102 m/137 f)  11.0–16.9 y

387  (OrthoEasy®, Forestadent, Pforzheim, Germany) titanium-vanadium alloy (Ti-6Al-4 V)

(1.7 mm diameter , 8 mm length)

190 in the anterior palate and 197 in buccal inter-radicular sites.

greater than 2Ni Ti Coil spring. immediate loading for the buccal OMIs    Palatal OMIs were loaded within 3 days after placement

328s/59f  84.8%  57bucc and 2pal.



OMIs remaining in situ over the entire period of treatment that required anchorage were recorded as successful. Premature loss or if removal of the OMI become failure necessary before achieving the defined treatment aims
were charted unsuccessful.

Janson et al. (2013) Brazil [51]

21  9m/12f mean age: 16.99y

40 miniscrews with the same dimensions (Absoanchor, self-drilling thread,Dentos, Daegu, Korea)

,1.5 mm outer diameter, 1.9 mm head diameter, 7 mm length

Maxillary buccal alveolar bone between premolar and molar 5 and 6

100-250 g  . immediate loading

36s/4f   90% s

10 mth


Loss of stability

Jeong et al. (2015) South Korea [29]

134 patients (mean age, 20.08±7.52 years)

331 (Miangan; Bioma-
terials Korea, Seoul, Korea)

 Self-drilling  1.2mm / 7.0mm

Buccal alveolar bone between 4&7 of the maxilla and mandible.

274s / 57f (29 FGB-28 FGA) 82.78 %

Jing et al. (2016) Sichuan China [52]

114   42m/72f   12-18Y

253   (VectorTASTM, Orm-co)

d: 1.4,2.0   L: 6,8,10

83 in Mandible 170 Maxilla


88.54%   224s/29f (18 mandible, 11 Maxilla)

9.5 M

different se  the full text

remained in the bone without loosening
until it had accomplished its purpose.

Jung et al. (2013) South Korea [53]

130 (33m/97f)  19.24Y +/- 6.66y

228     AbsoAnchor SH1312-08 [self-drilling style,
tapered type], Dentos, Taegu, Korea

1.3 mm in diameter, tapered type, 8 mm in length

Maxillary buccal alveolar bone  110 RS/118LS

50-200 g Elastic chain. immediate loading

200s/28f  87.7% S


Vertical: (S:73.75+/-15.29o)(F:75.93+/-13.48o)   Horizontal:(S:97.11+/-12.34o) (F:96.65+/-10.06)

Maintained in bone with it's function
for over 1 year under orthodontic force during treatment
were considered successful

Melo et al. (2016) Brazil [54]

570   147m / 423f

1356 (Neodent, Curitiba, Brazil) conical

 5, 7, 9 or 11 mm  length; and 1.3, 1.4 or 1.6 mm

Maxilla  & mandible   Buccal & lingual

Different immediate loading




Implant fracture or mobility

Park et al. 2018 South Korea [55]

80  29m / 51f   18±6.1 Y

160  s , AbsoAnchor SH1312-08 [self-
drilling and tapered] titanium alloy; , untreated; Dentos, Daegu, Korea)

 1.2–1.3 mmdiameter; 8 mm length,

Maxillary buccal alveolar bone between premolar and molaar 5 and 6

50 to 200 g . immediate loading
using elastic chains

M: 47 of 58  81%    F:89 of 102 87.2%     (85% all)

1 year

s:0-49      f:1.7-50.7

Loss of retention in the alveolar bone for
at least 1 year during  treatment

shinohara et al. 2013 Japan [56]

50 patients (15 m/35 f
 Age range, 13-34 years)

147 (68 in max and 79 in man.) predrilling ISA orthodontic mini-implants; Biodent,
Tokyo, Japan)

(Bone drills with diameters of 1.0
mm in the maxilla and 1.3 mm in the mandible)(diameter, 1.6 mm;
length, 8 mm

Buccal alveolar bone between the second premolar and the first molar maxilla or mandible

2 N . immediate loading

95.6% in the maxilla and 93.7% in mandible       contact root:29 and failed 6    not contact:118 f 2

6 months

Vertical inclinations of 48.3 to 50.4 in the maxilla
and 57.5 to 63.3 in the mandible   horizontal inclinations
ranged from 83 to 89


Tsai et al. 2016  Taiwan [57]

139  ( 25 m /114 f ; average age, 25.7 ± 7.5y
age range, 12-56 years)

254  103 Titanium alloy MIs, Ancer, Huang-Liang Biomedical Technology,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan;   151 stainless steel MIs, Bio-Ray, Syntec
Scientific Corp., Taipei, Taiwan)

Stainless steel 2 × 12 mm, 2 × 10 mm, and 2 × 8 mm; Ti-alloy 2 × 11mm, 2 × 9 mm, and 1.5 × 9 mm)

Different areas

Different load amount and direction


1 year


MI that
required removal due to loosening, pain, infection, or
pathologic changes in surrounding soft tissues

Uesugi et al. 2017 Japan [32]

240  (61m/179
 ages, 28.1±9.8 y)

500  titanium miniscrews
(Dualtop; Jeil Medical, Seoul, Korea)

Diameters (1.4 or 1.6mm)and lengths (6.0 or
8.0 mm)

Different areas see table

Different, ranging from immediate loading to 3 months

for 77 screws. The secondary success
rate was 44.2% for all reinserted miniscrews (34 of 77



(1) no inflammation of the soft tissues sur-
rounding the miniscrews, (2) no clinically detectable
mobility, and (3) anchorage function sustained after
1 year of orthodontic loading

Uribe et al. 2015 USA [58]

30  (mean age 22.2 ± 11 years)

55 with without drilling , Four different types  [Lomas (Mondeal,
Tuttligen, Germany), Imtec (Unitek 3M, Monrovia,
California), Aarhus (Medicon, Tuttligen, Germany), Dual
Top (RMO, Denver, Colorado)

D: 1.50 to 2.3     L:6-9mm

Infra-zygomatic area IZA by palpating the “key ridge” above
the first permanent molar

Around 150 g    Unknown

21.8 %
failure rate. This failure rate is slightly higher than
that reported for mini-implants placed

Average of 13.67 ± 6.79 months

40° to 70° to maxillary occlusal

Mini-implant that had to be
removed or had fallen out after placement

Yi Lin et al. 2015 Singpora [59]


285 AbsoAnchor
 AND Vector TAS

L: 6-7/8/10–12mm    D: 1.3/1.4/2.0mm

Different areas


94.7% at T1 (immediate after surgery) and 83.3% at T2(12 months after surgery)

3.5 months


Dislodgement of the miniscrew implant prior to
loading or a miniscrew that has become excessively mobile before 12mth
And if the miniscrew implant has caused irreversible
biological damage to adjacent structures as recorded by the
clinician and was thus unusable, it was also considered a

Abbreviations: N= Newton, mth = Months, f= ....
Table 2: Included studies and comparison factors

Analyzed criteria



Sample size

The quantity of analyzed MI

0-10 – 0 points;
11-20 – 1 point;
≥21 – 2 points


Research method used for MI
insertion site analysis

None – 0 points;
Radiological 2D – 1 point;
Radiological 3D, histological
analysis or scanning electron
microscopy – 2 points


The quantity of researched

0-5 – 0 points;
6-10 – 1 point;
≥11 – 2 points


Clinical examination, the use
of objective measuring device
(Periotest, torque screwdriver,
orthodontic tension gauge)

Clinical examination – 1 point;
The use of objective measuring
device – 2 points


Controlled, uncontrolled study

Uncontrolled study – 1 point;
controlled study – 2 points

Table 3: The quality assessment of the included studies